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  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 北京市 北京市崇文区桃园里东15号
  • 姓名: 陈先生
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    供应尊宝音箱 R909 JAMO音响 华语视听

  • 所属行业:影音 音响 特殊/专业音响
  • 发布日期:2013-11-17
  • 阅读量:221
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:200.00 对
  • 包装说明:**
  • 发货地址:北京  
  • 关键词:尊宝音箱,R909,音响

    供应尊宝音箱 R909 JAMO音响 华语视听详细内容

    我公司设有**家庭影院展示厅 并拥有THX卢卡斯认证工程师为您设计**的视听和家庭影院声学装修方案 公司电话:400-8228-400或010-67223621 在线Q 陈经理: 公司官方网址  公司**论坛: 实体店展厅地址:北京市东城区南二环永定门桥东100米路南门市
    R 909 
    偶较式音箱已经诞生很多年了,但较多的例子都是静电式的。这些设计的的音质一般都是非常好的,但较主要的问题就是这种类型音箱的低频段的重现总是不尽如人意——他们不能通过振膜产生自然深沉的低频。为了解决这个问题,音响总设计师Henrik Mortensen决定使用动圈式扬声器取代静电式……结果令人**。
    “在这个过程中,我们面临很多挑战”,Henrik Mortensen承认:“这是一项艰巨的任务,在这个尺寸来制作雅致、美观的音箱。但是我想我们已经成功地开发了参考产品R 909……竟然丝毫没有妥协”!
    随着尊宝参考级的R 909上市,我们提供给您体验音乐的机会,就如同在现场聆听一般。这款革命性的新型落地音箱使用了两只**的15英寸低音单元、一只镁金属中音单元(采用HCC技术,即硬锥盆技术)、以及一只特别定制的ScanSpeak(绅士宝) Revelator高音单元。所有的扬声器都安装在一块*特的、厚达43mm的多层障板上……这是能改变目前市场上高端音箱的面貌的产品。
    R 909能与市场上较**的放大器**匹配。然而,由于它具有高达89dB的灵敏度和非常稳定的4欧姆负载阻抗,所以它并不需要用成员式的功放来推动……尽管在需要的时候它可以承受**过800W的峰值功率。采用这种设计和单元可重现清澈的人声和动态的响应,当您实际聆听这对音箱时,简直难以想象。异常坚实的低频,较佳的瞬态速度,贯穿在整个频率范围内**度和保真度(*没有音染和反射),让您置身于音乐之中。
    也许很难相信,但一段很快的演示片断会让您有亲身体验——坐下来,好好聆听R 909,您将获得验证…
    system 3-way dipole 
    Woofer (inch/mm) 2 x 15 / 2 x 380 
    Midrange (inch/mm) 5? / 150 
    Tweeter (inch/mm) 1 / 25 
    Sensitivity (dB - 2,8V / 1m) 89 
    Impedance (Ohm) 4 
    Weight (kg/lb) 63,1 / 139.1 
    Dimensions (HxWxD/mm/in) 1276 x 488 x 541 / 50.2 x 19.2 x 21.3 
    Frequency Range 25 - 30.000 
    Crossover Frequency 250 and 2.000 
    powerShortTerm Min 800 
    驱动单元的Symmetric Drive Technology(均衡驱动技术)——一个在磁较芯上的铜环延伸过了音圈,弯曲进入球**腔——事实上消除了电相位漂移。并且,用它处理中频,也能很显着地减少失真。 
    为了实现R 909的目标,我们也为中音单元使用了*的技术。这个Seas西雅士单元拥有一个**的钕磁铁排列结构,并采用镁金属振膜来提高刚性和确保轻质,这两个方面对动态的响应至关重要。得益于HCC(硬锥盆)技术,这个驱动单元在锥盆出现分割振动前到达9KHz。这使得贯穿整个频率范围的失真较低,而且中频非常开阔和富有细节,较适合人声重现。通过坚固的实心铜中心相位塞,可以对音圈散热。在高音量播放时,提供更强劲的功率处理能力和较重要的、较佳的声音稳定性。
     R 909
    Absolute Sound Golden Ear Award ''''07 
    Jan 2008
    "This remarkable speaker, which uses dynamic drivers in an open baffle, offers the openness and resistance to room problems of a dipole planar combined with a power, solidity, and bass extension that few planers can even dream of. Coherent, dynamic, extended in the bass (to 27Hz), very low in distortion, and tonally well balanced, and the R 909 does a positively spectacular job of reproducing the scope and power of large-scale music." 
    Reviewed by REG, Issue 167 
     R 909
    Feb 2007
    The revolutionary new Jamo R909 Reference Loudspeaker has just taken out two major awards, back to back. Hot on the heals of coveted European Title ‘Best High-End Loudspeaker‘, the R909 is back on stage again, this time receiving Australian ‘Loudspeaker of the Year over $ 2,500’. 
     R 909
    Aug 2006
    With the sculptural R 909 speaker, Jamo’s development engineers have demonstrated what they are capable of delivering, when cost is no object, and only the best components and materials are good enough. The R 909 is among very few speakers that work without a box enclosure, which normally makes it difficult to reproduce low frequencies. So, a pair of high-efficiency 15-inch bass drivers and an ingenious crossover is Jamo’s response to this challenge, and since there is no ordinary box-generated resonances, the R 909’s sound is free of cabinet coloration, stunningly unrestrained, crisp and dynamic. This large speaker comes with an exemplary finish and superior attention to detail – an impressive “high-end” statement, which deserves the best amplifier that a demanding music lover can afford.
    Australian Hi-Fi, Australia
    Feb 2007
    “What really frightened me after listening to these speakers is the thought that were it not for Henrik Mortensen''''s dedication and persistence, Jamo''''s R909s may never have seen light of day, which would have meant that the world would have missed out on a truly great loudspeaker, one that I predict will achieve immortality in the same way as Quad''''s original electrostatic.” 
     R 909
    Hjemmekino, Norway
    Feb 2007
    “You won’t believe it before you hear it”
    ?Surprisingly easy to integrate in the room 
    ? Awesome raw design 
    ? Excellent sound picture 
    ? Cool
     R 909
    The Absolute Sound, US
    Dec 2006
    “The Jamos have glorious, full yet precise and extended bass, a bass undreamed of by any but truly enormous electrostatics. They are also free of the middle-bass “hole” that afflicts so many point source speakers. And as the symphony proceeded, the Jamos turned out to have a dynamic capacity beyond electrostatic realms. I was tempted to subtitle this review “the electrostatic perfected.” And while that might have been a bit mean-spirited it would not have been inappropriate, for the Jamos do have the same kind of low distortion, transparency, coherence, and smoothness ’stats have, but with a power and fullness that electrostatics can only dream of.”
    “The Jamo is not just superb at reproducing large-scale music. With its cost-no-object midrange and tweeter it does superbly well with the small-scaled music, too. The Water Lily recording of Arturo Delmoni playing solo violin was right on the mark as to tone, while the reverberant acoustics of the church where the recording was made were revealed naturally, with clarity but no exaggeration.”
     R 909
    Jul 2006
    "And the Jamos are very room-friendly: we had our largest room earmarked for them, but we were encouraged to try them in a smaller space, where they worked just fine on the end of our Naim/Krell reference system. Whatever you’ve heard about the problems of room interaction with dipole speakers like these, the R 909s just get on with the job, provided they have a metre or so of space behind them and a gentle toe-in toward the listening position.
    While these speakers can indubitably do ‘big’, with a rich, powerful and well-defined bass, their main characteristics is subtlety, whether with the finer details of voices or the way in which they reveal the recorded acoustic."
    "They slam, they deliver the rush of a full orchestra, they let you hear each breath a singer takes and, above all, they’re special." 
    "Verdict: The new Jamos are as accomplished as they are daring, with a sound that more than lives up to their price: lovely!"
     R 909
    Jun 2006
    “In short, this is a speaker with personality. What you get here is an enormous sense of scale, far exceeding conventional speakers, even big ones like B&W′s larger 800 Series models. And yet somehow Jamo has conspired to deliver this scale without any obvious sins of overhang or “boom”. The sense of drama, of the physical presence of musical performers right there in the listening room, appears to be intrinsic, where more conventional speakers with a similar balance often sound overblown.”
    “From one point of view, the big easy and relaxed sound of this speaker is one of its greatest strengths, especially as it is achieved without loss of detail, and without sounding “blowsy” or out of control. And this is exactly what the R 909 does achieve. Sure, it is perceptibly warm, but the bass is unusually tuneful and well proportioned in its own right. Orchestral entries are well timed, with the kind of balance and weight you might well be looking for when seated, say, one third to one half of the way to the back of many concert halls; the kind of balance that allows a rich, yet complex sound from the cellos and double basses.”
    An individual take on the high-end loudspeaker, the R 909 is relatively easy to integrate into real world systems and rooms, and its proportions look just right (not a given at this end of the market), the shallow depth being especially striking.”
    Editor’s choice
    Overall score: 89%.
     R 909
    Stereo & Video, Russia
    Mar 2006
    “Key sonic features of R909 include a very spacious (almost natural-sized) soundstage, and a fantastically deep and powerful bass – which at the same time sounds absolutely true to life. Beyond any doubt, such an impeccable performance is an extremely rare treat even in the world of top-quality audio”.
    “The new Danish speakers scale up a musical event without distorting the delicately balanced proportions between the sound image elements. They create a vast soundstage with natural ambience and softly outlined borders, and enhance listeners’ emotional perception of music to a great extent. R909’s reproduction of symphonic and organ music is amazingly close to the original performance in a real concert hall or a gothic cathedral.” 
    “The new Jamo speakers reveal the full potential of classical stereo reproduction. Their sound reproduction opportunities are really impressive and spacious. R909 is able to draw listeners’ attention to little-known music, and to cast fresh light on familiar records endowing them with surprising new quality.“
     R 909
    HiFi & Musik, Sweden
    Feb 2006
    “These speakers sound almost like no other speakers we have encountered. 
    Their effortless and natural way of playing possesses such an obvious authority that almost everything else sounds boxed-in, smeared out and slow. “
    “With Jamo you are again reminded how absolutely spellbinding "trivial" stereo listening actually can be.”
    “The bass is firm and majestic in a way that now and then almost cancels the law of gravitation.”
    “Despite its natural and realistic way of playing, it is perhaps the unmovable and firm musical grip through the entire frequency range that is the most distinct Jamo characteristic, the ever sought for feeling of actually being there, to put it simply.”
     R 909
    Prestige Audio Video, France
    Jan 2006
    “The R 909 might usefully be combined with a very high-end cabinet bass-speaker (subwoofer). However, the most impressive aspect of the performance of these speakers is their incredible impact. We are miles away from the sensations delivered by even the best cabinet bass-speakers of conventional design. There is no perceptible ghosting, and the speakers delivers a clean, crisp and spirited clarity of attack. Likewise, there is not the slightest coloration of the sound output. Transparency and naturalness of restitution of this quality are rarely achieved. The tonal balance is perfect, and the total absence of ghosting lends a striking relief to the sound.”
    “In conclusion
    With the R 909, Jamo have tackled the challenge of the open baffle, much beloved of audiophiles. By considering each of the problems raised by this technology and delivering appropriate solutions based upon new design concepts, this manufacturer has produced a remarkable speaker with and impressive performance, providing and unforgettable experience for the listener whose primary concern is to enjoy an unconstrained sound space, with impressive levels of realism. Some ungenerous souls might find fault with the lack of weight in the extreme bass register, but is it really natural to hear a double bass snorting like a compressor on a building site?”
     R 909
    CINEenCASA, Spain
    Jan 2006
    “Treble (which I didn''''t expect problems with) is very correct, not aggressive nor too soft. The ScanSpeak unit used provides a very clean standard of reproduction. Same with midrange, which is in perfect harmony with the treble but with the necessary strength to give body to even to the most difficult instruments. The bass is of, quite honestly, spectacular quality. I really didn''''t think that a “cabinet” like this Jamo design could generate such a result. I''''m stunned.”
    The Jamo''''s R 909 are much more than a letter of intent. Their design removes several barriers to good listening and renews our faith in a loudspeaker concept that we always admired. There are no real caveats here and I can''''t imagine the R 909s failing to satisfy…. I fervently recommend listening to them. And if you do not feel satisfied, think instead about different partnering equipment, perhaps a bigger power amplifier or a larger listening rooms. One thing''''s for sure… it won''''t be the Jamo R 909s that are at fault…”
    “Verdict: 6 of 5 stars!”
    欢迎来到北京华语视听商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市北京市崇文区桃园里东15号,联系人是陈先生。 主要经营主要经营BOSE、JBL、普乐之声、劲浪、哈曼卡顿、尊宝、KEF、乐富豪、天龙、安桥、马兰士、YAMAHA、索尼投影、成员DVD 、蓝光DVD、背景音乐等音响及周边设备。 单位注册资金未知。 我们的产品优等,服务**,您将会为选择我们而感到放心,我们将会为得到您认可而感到骄傲。